Thursday, April 9, 2009

Innocence of little children

Don't you just love the innocence of little children? Spencer and I spent a day with each other reading books, playing games and making cookies. Of course in my old age I like the pouches of cookie mixes. I had three different kinds and asked him which he would like to make. Without seeing them he wanted chocolate. I had a package of chocolate chip oatmeal so thought that was good with me. Then he saw the one with a picture of a speed racer car on the top. He was so excited and ran and got his speed racer car that looked just like the picture. Well of course that was the ones he wanted to make, peanut butter cookies. We added all the ingredients and rolled each ball and placed them on the cookie sheet. He really did a good job rolling. Then we took the fork and I showed him how to press them down with the fork and make the crisscross. He loved it. His dad and Lyle were working on James' pickup so he couldn't wait to tell his dad that he had made them and they were baked and everything. When he gave his dad some of the cookies he had to tell him how he rolled them (of course talking with his hands). Then he said, "Do you know how I made the tracks on it dad?" After explaining the fork and pressing it down he couldn't tell him enough how cool these cookies were that he made speed racer cookies with tracks on them. I loved it!!!! Who would have even thought tracks? Yes smart boy.

As we were sitting reading books he looks up at me and says, "Grandma, remember that worm at Arctic Circle?" I remembered the worm on the ground that we carefully put in a tiny container for him to take home. "Yes" I said. Then he proceeded to tell me that he put it in the plant. I asked if it was the plant in the office since that is the only real plant in the house. He said "Oh no. I put it in the one you know on the table with the stools by the piano." "It has a safe home there. He will like it Grandma." The grin on his face was priceless. He was so happy and proud of himself all I could say is that it was a great idea.


Monday, April 6, 2009


Today is my momma's birthday. Are we ever too old to call our mother momma? I hope not. Ninety two years old. What a woman!! She is adored by all. I have never known anyone who hasn't loved her. Of course like any child and teenager I wondered some days how wonderful she was, only because of my rebellious nature wanting my own way. It is interesting how the older I get the more I understand, love and respect her. Now any time I think of her my heart swells, my throat gets choked up and tears flow from my eyes. Each time I see her I want to just hold her and not let go wondering if I won't get to hold her again for a long time.

Now I thank her for disciplining me, twisting my ears, pulling my hair, and doing a little switching with a willow. Can you imagine how frustrated she had to be raising eight children, six boys and two girls, and those two girls not wanting to wait on those boys? She is amazing. Those were the days when she had to iron all those 100% cotton white shirts for church, bake eight loaves of bread every other day, wash with a wringer washer and hang everything on the clothes line even in the winter.

When I would be frustrated raising my own children she was there supporting me and a lot of times pulling out projects, reading books, letting them help her make cookies and homemade bread so that I could get things done or just so that I could have a little break. There is no better example than my momma. She taught me by example to nurture, to love, to work, to respect my elders and to want the gospel in my life. Sometimes we look around and watch other people and what they do and I have often thought how thankful I am that I was taught the many things she taught me.

She always puts everyone else first, whether it be shelter, food, clothes or to be a friend. She is always there giving totally of herself. I have never met a more unselfish person. Many times she took hitch hikers in to give them a meal, even letting one sleep in the attic. Many times I woke up in the morning to the neighbor sitting at the kitchen table pouring out her heart to mom. She always had bread or a meal to be taken to someone sick or in need. I have always admired her how she would sit with people who were dying. Staying with them and comforting them through their last moments.

Many have called her an angel here on earth. That is a perfect description. She is my angel, my momma. I LOVE YOU MOMMA!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009


I can't believe I haven't updated since January. That is almost 6 months. Sorry!!
Just to let you know that Grandpa is still in re-hab and is doing pretty good. They are really working him over and he gets frustrated with some of the therapists. One he really got upset with , The therapist said well I thought you were only 80. Grandpa letting him know that no he was going to be 95 in another month. And grandma dear is so lonely without him. She wakes up in the night crying. They have taken her over to see him several times but as you all know it is not the same. It is hard to go to bed without him. And even knowing that he is right there with his headphones on watching the jazz game is such a security to her. To watch the love between them is incredible. I can't tell you how touching it was just before he went into surgery. All of us had tears streaming from our faces. To have that much love for 74 years. WOW!
For those who would like to. Remember grandma on her birthday April 6 with a phone call or something. She would love it. Love you all and apreciate you tons.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


We had a fun time in Utah. It was a much needed get away. We visited Grandma and Grandpa and had a great game of Yahtzee. Both grandma and grandpa did very well. Grandma even showed a little of her dry wit and we all laughed and laughed. It was so good to hear them laugh. It almost felt like old times. It is so hard to see them age. Linda has been down visiting Kim so she came over & played with us. As you can tell Linda won. FUN! FUN!

As you can tell I have not succeeded in putting this in the right order. Oh well!! After visiting grandma and grandpa we went out to Shawn and Tammy's and spent the night. Saturday we went to Lincoln's basketball game (in which he did a great job) then we all went to the Clark Planetarium. We watched a film on all the planets and stars. It was pictured on the dome and it really was interesting. After we went back and played Wii. It was fun. Those boys are really good. Tate, Jonah and Kiegan you are going to have to have a tournament with them because I know that you are really good too.
We had stopped at the Birch's on Friday on the way down and visited them for a little while and then stopped again on the way home. They are doing good.
To end the trip we stopped in Idaho Falls and ate dinner at the Olive Garden. We hadn't eaten there for a long time. It was wonderful.
Now home and hanging out. Always nice to go somewhere but always nice to be home.
Tomorrow we are taking the holiday and clean house and then go get massages.

It was 12 degrees, Cold!!! But absolutely beautiful. It had been foggy for the past couple of days and major foggy the night before. In the morning everything was white with frost. We were headed for Utah. I told Lyle that I wish I would have brought my camera and of course he says that his is right there on the back seat. His has been very intimidating for me because it has so many things on it. He told me to just go for it. So yes I went for it and here are some of the results. It is hard to get the full affect of how beautiful it was but not too bad for riding in the car and clicking away.

Sunday, January 11, 2009



Master Bedroom

Guest Bedroom

Living Room


A New Year, New Beginning, New Challenges, New Experiences

I often feel like Yeah I get to start over when this time of year comes around. Mostly wanting to be a better person. I have so much to be thankful for. Where does a person even start? For one I really get to update this Blog. I get to learn more about blogging and using my new cell phone. I know you think I am crazy but those are huge challenges for me. Oh well to each his own, right?

We had a wonderful Christmas with yes 5 trees. I absolutely loved it. Fun new decorations for the one in the living room to go with my wonderful balls with grandkids names on them. I have been looking for a long time for fun red and white decorations to go with the clear balls with red and white ribbon and red vinyl names. Well a friend of Tammy's had some and was able to order me some and I love them. Nostalgia gets me every time so I have to put a little tree up that reminds me of old things and my childhood. Of course the guest room has to have one. It is little but fun. I love, love, love having one in my bedroom. Several nights only having the tree lights on laying in bed with my MP3 player. Yes nice!! I was on a roll. I couldn't not have one in the bathroom. What can I say. Yes crazy but fun.

New Year's was fun with family and friends over. Playing games and eating good food. What can I say or rather doesn't that say it all? Like I said before so much to be thankful for.

I am definately looking forward to a great NEW YEAR!!