Today is my momma's birthday. Are we ever too old to call our mother momma? I hope not. Ninety two years old. What a woman!! She is adored by all. I have never known anyone who hasn't loved her. Of course like any child and teenager I wondered some days how wonderful she was, only because of my rebellious nature wanting my own way. It is interesting how the older I get the more I understand, love and respect her. Now any time I think of her my heart swells, my throat gets choked up and tears flow from my eyes. Each time I see her I want to just hold her and not let go wondering if I won't get to hold her again for a long time.
Now I thank her for disciplining me, twisting my ears, pulling my hair, and doing a little switching with a willow. Can you imagine how frustrated she had to be raising eight children, six boys and two girls, and those two girls not wanting to wait on those boys? She is amazing. Those were the days when she had to iron all those 100% cotton white shirts for church, bake eight loaves of bread every other day, wash with a wringer washer and hang everything on the clothes line even in the winter.
When I would be frustrated raising my own children she was there supporting me and a lot of times pulling out projects, reading books, letting them help her make cookies and homemade bread so that I could get things done or just so that I could have a little break. There is no better example than my momma. She taught me by example to nurture, to love, to work, to respect my elders and to want the gospel in my life. Sometimes we look around and watch other people and what they do and I have often thought how thankful I am that I was taught the many things she taught me.
She always puts everyone else first, whether it be shelter, food, clothes or to be a friend. She is always there giving totally of herself. I have never met a more unselfish person. Many times she took hitch hikers in to give them a meal, even letting one sleep in the attic. Many times I woke up in the morning to the neighbor sitting at the kitchen table pouring out her heart to mom. She always had bread or a meal to be taken to someone sick or in need. I have always admired her how she would sit with people who were dying. Staying with them and comforting them through their last moments.
Many have called her an angel here on earth. That is a perfect description. She is my angel, my momma. I LOVE YOU MOMMA!!
Simply Malorie
15 years ago
I to get a bit teary thinking of Grandma. This is so beautifully wrote. There isn't anything else to add. She is a true angel.
Loved this post! Everything you said is exactly true! I love her!
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